The goal of a photographic reportage is to tell a story through images. Every reportage receives the imprint of the photographer who realizes it, who combines – with the right balance – technical knowledge and creativity.
For the photographer who dedicates himself to reportage, it is important to know how to tell a story through the professional tools: he must be able to capture the essence of each story he finds himself describing, discover the beauty inherent in a scene, observe with curiosity and carefully report on human behavior and how his actions reflect on the surrounding environment.
Whoever decides to devote himself to reportage should not let himself be involved by everything that happens in front of him, but rather be ready to shoot the moment a detail reveals itself to him, capturing his attention. From there, even from the smallest detail, the story can begin …
Place of business: Lecce – Italy
Via 95° Rgt. Fanteria, 18/B
73100 – Lecce
VAT: 05247580755
Cell phone: +39 3933596171
Skype: Emotions Photo
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